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Wednesday Woot! and Other Wonderful Stuff

On Wednesdays, I will be featuring great deals on a website called Woot! that has some really cool stuff for really cheap. I will also be highlighting some things that will be hard to pass up.

Now that our New Year is underway we are inching into our regular routine, some may have hit their resolutions with a bang, others (like myself) are still sorta figuring them out (reluctant to do them). So as a fun diversion from headier ambitions, here are some great deals on things you didn’t know you NEEDED!



Coleman LED Axis Headlamp Bundle

If you like the outdoors and camping, these little gems are a MUST, and will be all you need for a fun trip. Keep a headlamp in your pocket, for when it gets dark and wear it at night for a portable light source that is hands free and safe. And being a parent with kids, inevitably you will be sharing yours with the little ones, who will probably spend more time searching out stuff with their headlamps than forging their way to the bathroom. So, at this terrific price, you can get one bundle for each person in the family AND they can pick their own colors. Very cool.  These items are also great to have on hand during the winter when lights may be out because of power outages or damaged power lines. Being able to have each member wear and headlamp and have a small flashlight to maneuver around the house promotes safety and makes everyone feel more secure. I just ordered three.


A projector that you can attach a DVD player and Video Game player to for the kids to project stuff on the wall. While this is a toy and the image is not as clear as a television, this is a fun little thing to have around. Especially for kids slumber parties and bringing a DVD to places where there isn’t a television. Great for BBQ’s and projecting images outside in a dark area. For $30 dollars, its a fun little deal. I remember when this technology was thousands of dollars, not $30.


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This looks like fun, if you have a PS3 or an Xbox 360 this is a great deal on three games and a guitar. So if the kids just (or who are we kidding, you!) just got a new game player, this just may be a must have.

CUTE CROCS FOR GIRLS $7.99,default,pd.html?cid=001&cgid=outlet&srule=price-sort-1-9&siteID=PvTvb1zzm2o-q_YeFaMaS8ytqgS4S2Pupw

When I first saw Croc’s shoes, I have to admit I thought they were pretty darn ugly and frankly when they are on my feet, the original design looks a bit freakish, but I have found some really cute comfortable Crocs and I have to admit, I am a fan. And for the kids, nothing beats them, especially in summer when we are in and out of pools, on and off grass, in and out of the house. So this deal is seriously unbelievable. Wow…heading over right now to buy a few pairs.

WD My Passport 320GB External USB Portable Hard Drive $34.99

WD My Passport 320GB External USB Portable Hard Drive

Okay this is an awesome deal especially if you clearing out clutter and cleaning up your computer. I put everything on external hard drives, for two reasons, I have a back up for my computer, but I also have something that is easy to grab in the case (God forbid) of a catastrophe or fire. I feel amazing knowing the the kids pictures, our important documents and other files will not be lost cause it is portable and trust me 320 gigs holds a lot. This is a wonderful deal for something truly useful.

I hope you have enjoyed our sojourn into Woot! and the wonderful world of online savings. More next week.

Posted in coupon codes, discounts, Family Fun, Last Minute Deals, Online shopping, ShopforBaby, ShopforMom, Shopping deals.

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